Based on your answers, here's what we discovered:

You don't Have Parasites

Congratulations! Very few people have a No Parasites results. Keep up those healthy habits, great work!

 process guide 


If you'd like to get healthy and discover the simple every day changes you need to do to get you there, book a Nutritional Consultation

Nutritional Health Consultation


Everything included:

  • 1 HOUR NUTRITIONAL CONSULTATION: With Shalu To Discover How to Nourish Your Body  Value $195
  • 1 Hour of Wolfe non-surgical treatment: With Shalu to remove physical blocks In The Body Value $195
  • GLASS OF STRUCTURED ALKALINE WATER: To Keep Your Body Hydrated Value $5
  • Bone Density Test: To check the health of your bones & test for osteopenia or osteoporosis Value $79
  • LOVEBAND: To Help You Stay In The Present Moment & Stop Your Mind From Racing Value $0.99
  • HOME PROTOCOL: Easy to follow steps so you can be on your way to better heath Value $99
  • BONUS #1 - Perfect Day Guide Value $299
  • BONUS #2 - 4L of Kangen Water Value $10
Total Value $832.99
Yours for $295

Ready to book? 

Call 705.828.2257 or email
